Pre deti ukrajincov, ktorí boli nútení opustiť svoju krajinu, ponúkame športové aktivity v utorok a piatok od 16,30 do 18,00 v telocvični strednej odbornej školy dopravnej v Priekope. Veríme, že pri aktivite prídu deti na iné myšlienky a pomôžeme zmierniť dopady ich zložitej situácie. Konatkt: Andrej, +421-915-802-908
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For children of Ukrainie who are forced to leave their country, we offer sports activities on Tuesdays and Fridays from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm in the gym of the Secondary School of Transport in Priekopa. We believe that sport can provide a little help to the children mitigate the effects of their difficult situation. Contact: Andrej, + 421-915-802-908